Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When trading in for swagbucks, think inside-out the box

So today, I traded in my old iPod nano 2nd gen for 278 swag bucks. I was going to buy a box or padded mailer but then I remembered this post from Lifehacker.

According to Lifehacker, you start by opening the box. I also removed the sticker with the serial number for my blackberry. Don't want that floating around out there...

And then you put it back together inside-out, so that all the branding faces inward.

I decided to use crumpled newspaper as my padding, so I put my old iPod, the USB cable, and the headphones in a plastic bag so they wouldn't get all inky and possibly reduce the amount of swag bucks I actually get when it's traded in.

And then supervisory kitty reminded me that I needed to include a copy of my invoice inside the packaging! Thanks, Foxy!

Finally, I taped up the box and taped on the prepaid postage thingie I printed out at my Uni.

Now, if I could just convince my cat that I need to mail it......

Thanks, Swag Bucks and Life Hacker, for helping me recycle while I recycle. Hey, why does that sound like a bad Yo Dawg joke?

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